Music Monday - Mumford and Sons

Music Monday is our chance to feature music that we really love. Many writers use a writing playlist to help set the mood and tone of the scenes they are writing. We like to spotlight music from our favorite authors' playlists, but sometimes we just go with our current favorite songs.

This week I am featuring one of Andrea's favorites that happens to be one of my favorites, too. Enjoy!


  1. This is a great meme! Have you seen the Lyrical Tuesday at Universe in Words ( It's more about the lyrics than the melody but it is also great! ;")

  2. I heart Mumford and Sons! I am not a published writer, but they are on my writing playlist at the moment. :)

    @Frl. Irene Palfy - I will check that out. Sounds like a neat idea.

  3. Love this song! The cd is playing in my car right now!


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